Make any complicated text accessible and understandable with one click using our AI-based tool.

Your benefits at a glance

Generate accessible and comprehensible text based on your source text with just one click.

Individual pricing model adapted to your text volume – always at least 90% cheaper than a manual translation!

Can be integrated into Microsoft Office applications or into your IT system via a programmable interface (API).
And that’s how it works!
Select complicated source text

Insert into SUMM AI and click “Translate”

Edit easy language text as needed and then publish it

Select complicated source text

Insert into SUMM AI and click “Translate”

Edit easy language text as needed and then publish it
Why easy language?
A large target group
In Germany alone, more than 10 million people rely on information in easy language to navigate their daily lives! Easy language is a defined language style rooted in the accessibility domain, which is understandable for everyone due to simple sentence structure, no jargon, and additional explanations. Texts in easy language are particularly crucial for people with learning difficulties, older or sick people, or people learning a foreign language. That is why there is a comprehensive legal obligation to offer easy language for both the public and the private sector!

A large target group
In Germany alone, more than 10 million people rely on information in easy language to navigate their daily lives! Easy language is a defined language style rooted in the accessibility domain, which is understandable for everyone due to simple sentence structure, no jargon, and additional explanations. Texts in easy language are particularly crucial for people with learning difficulties, older or sick people, or people learning a foreign language. That is why there is a comprehensive legal obligation to offer easy language for both the public and the private sector!

Easy language with SUMM AI: fast, affordable, and easy
Until now, texts in easy language have been written manually: A process that is often expensive and takes a long time! Thus, few texts in easy language are available and the target audience is excluded from critical information. That’s why we have developed SUMM, the first AI-based tool that translates any complicated text into easy language at the click of a button! That’s how we make inclusion and digital participation work: With a fast, affordable, and easy way to publish any information in easy language!
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